About Us

NEMAR, the NeuroElectroMagnetic data Archive and tools Resource, is an NIMH BRAIN Initiative funded data, tools, and compute resource for (EEG, MEG, and iEEG) data shared publicly through the (all modalities) OpenNeuro archive of human neuroimaging data. Neuroelectromagnetic (NEM) datasets (EEG, MEG, iEEG) are formatted according to the BIDS standards (bids.neuroimaging.io) and submitted to OpenNeuro through its website (openneuro.org). NEM datasets in OpenNeuro are copied to NEMAR, housed in the San Diego Supercomputer Center (sdsc.edu) that provides cyberinfrastructure resources for storage, high performance computing and administration.

NEMAR enables users to:

1. Search through OpenNeuro NEM data using search on dataset metadata - soon including, when available, detailed descriptions of experimental events stored using the Hierarchical Event Descriptor (HED) system (hedtags.org).

2. Optionally view a range of data statistics, measures, and transforms, to aid data selection.

3. Select datasets and data recordings to include in user analyses.

Users can then:


3a. Download pointers to the selected NEMAR datasets that can easily be included in scripts uploaded to the Neuroscience Gateway (NSG, nsgportal.org for no-cost processing using high-performance computing resources. NSG data analysis scripts can be built by users on a variety of neuroscience computing environments including Matlab, Python, and R, and using a variety of NSG-hosted neuroscience processing toolsets including EEGLAB, FreeSurfer, PyTorch, etc. EEGLAB users, in particular, can make use of a tight integration via its NSGportal plug-in.


3b. Download the selected NEMAR datasets directly (as directory zipfiles) for processing on user systems.

The NEMAR website is built on a HubZero architecture (hubzero.org), which will allow the NEMAR website to integrate user community features including dataset forums, host and user-updated news and publication lists, etc.

We welcome inquiries and suggestions (Feedback)

Join Us

Create your own account. It is free and will give you access to future community features, to include:

  • Receiving email updates about milestones and new features.
  • Become a contributor by uploading your own presentations and processing tools to share with others.
  • Ask questions in the community forum, aand let the NEMAR community help answer it. Look on the site for News announcing these features when they become active.